Route One/USA, 1989, Robert Kramer (Quelle: Viennale)

Route One/USA

Robert Kramer, FR 1989
Screenplay, Cinematography: Robert Kramer; Editing: Guy Lecorne, Robert Kramer, Pierre Choukroun, Claire Laville, Keja Kramer; Music: Barre Phillips; with: Paul McIsaac. 35mm, color, 255 min. English with German subtitles
In the irresistible epic Route One/USA, Kramer and Doc (Paul McIsaac), both exiles from the USA, join a trek from the beginning of Route 1 in Maine to where it ends in Florida. Doc enters a succession of private worlds, each of which reveals itself to the camera, sometimes in "rehearsed" fashion, suggesting that cameras have been here before (a self-aggrandising community leader in Bridgeport, Connecticut; someone shouting out in front of the Tragedy in U.S. History Museum in St. Augustine, Florida), sometimes in a way more akin to the creation of a hard, unfamiliar time capsule (a member of the Penobscot Nation in Maine going back over her life). The idea of rebellion forms the film's central thread: the rebellion of the colonists against Britain, of the South against the North, of children against their parents. The themes of parents and children, of history, legacies, memory, are linked in turn to cinema and to photography. Kramer floods us with things, conversations, information, but his gliding images also make the longing for distance, for transcendence explicit. (C.F.)
Courtesy Arsenal – Institut für Film und Videokunst

Screening dates:

Fr 25.10.2024 21:00
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