

The Film Museum has been publishing books since the 1960s. After the first two publication series (in the 1960s and 1980s, for example on Robert Gardner, Jean Eustache, and Humphrey Jennings), a "third wave" starting in 2002 has seen the launching of two new book series: Together with Zsolnay publishing house, volumes on popular genres and major film artists (Edgar G. Ulmer, Orson Welles etc.) have been published in the (German language) series KINO. The other series, jointly edited with SYNEMA - Society for Film and Media under the imprint FilmmuseumSynemaPublikationen, offers richly illustrated books on the work of independent filmmakers and on topics of film history and theory since 2005. Books in the series FilmmuseumSynemaPublikationen are often bilingual (German and English) or in English only. Booksellers may order all English-language titles through our international distributor Columbia University Press. Since 2022, the Film Museum has also been working with the renowned art book publisher Spector Books


As a founding member of the Edition Filmmuseum, the Austrian Film Museum has been producing luxuriously appointed DVDs of rare films since 2005. We consider the DVD not as a replacement medium but as an extension and appendix to the film event; the DVD serves as an educational tool in archival and curatorial work, and supplies materials which add to the understanding of film history. Institutional sales in North America are handled by Gartenberg Media Enterprises.

List of all DVDs (PDF) | DVDs in our online shop | Awards for our DVDs

Online Publications

As of 2009, sections of the Film Museum's film-related collections have gradually been made accessible online and from 2012 moving images have been added on the website (Film ONLINE). In online publications, e.g. in the film and cultural studies online magazine Nach dem Film, texts and transcripts relating to in-house programs and events are made permanently accessible. The chapter Papers provides essays, lecture transcripts, policy papers and conversations on topics that are central to the work of film museums and archives – and to the rapidly changing field of moving image culture in general.

Eszter Kondor

+43 1 533 70 54 Ext 12