Mi, 15. April 2020

"Share that Knowledge!" - New Research Project and Survey

Dear colleagues!

As part of the project Share that Knowledge! we would like to get a global overview of the existing concerns and methods related to knowledge transfer within the field of audiovisual preservation. With this survey we want to gather data about how knowledge is shared within different types of institutions holding audiovisual collections. We are looking at the practices of knowledge sharing in institutions all around the world, so regardless of which type of archive you work in, if you are a manager or directly working with the audiovisual collections, for how long have you been working there and how much you think you know about knowledge sharing, please take 15-20 minutes to fill out the survey. The professional input from each individual will be relevant for this research.

We will be collecting data until the 10th of May. If you cannot fill it out in due time, please contact us and we will extend its availability.

Nadja Šičarov
Austrian Film Museum/Film Restorer, n.sicarov@filmmuseum.at
Janneke van Dalen
Austrian Film Museum/Film Collection Manager, j.vandalen@filmmuseum.at

Please share the survey with your colleagues. Thank you!

"Share that Knowledge!" - Neues Forschungsprojekt und Umfrage

Wie wird Wissen unter den AV-Archivar*innen innerhalb Ihrer Organisation geteilt? Bitte füllen Sie diesen Fragebogen (auf Englisch) aus!

Informationen zu unserem neuen Forschungsprojekt "Share that Knowledge. Finding Strategies for Passing on Knowledge across Generations of Audiovisual Archivists" finden Sie auch auf unserer Website oder unter www.sharethatknowledge.com