Program Preview October / November 2024

(October 18 to November 28, 2024)

October 18 to November 28, 2024

Robert Kramer

Robert Kramer was one of those very rare filmmakers for whom filmmaking was not a profession or a passion that they would pursue, but simply and primarily a way of life, a way of existing in the world. Consequently, his films exist far beyond the usual basic categories of fiction, documentary, or experimental cinema, instead presenting themselves as an extension and manifestation of Robert Kramer's remarkable curiosity and desire to understand the world, perhaps even change it a little bit. The joint Austrian Film Museum/Viennale retrospective will present a comprehensive overview of Robert Kramer's career. The book Starting Places: A Conversation with Robert Kramer, edited by Volker Pantenburg in the FilmmuseumSynemaPublikationen series, has been published on the occasion of the retrospective. [...]
October 18 to 29, 2024

Viennale at the Film Museum

The Austrian Film Museum is not only the venue for our joint retrospective with the Viennale, Robert Kramer, but also a festival cinema showing special programs and contemporary works from numerous filmmakers. [...]
October 30 to November 23, 2024

Collection on Screen

Halloween Horror

Halloween traditions also include watching horror movies together. This makes Halloween the ideal time to project prints of horror classics from our collection. [...]
November 1 to 3, 2024

Gustav Deutsch

to be continued

November 2 is the fifth anniversary of the death of our long-time friend and project partner Gustav Deutsch. To mark the date, we will present three consecutive days of programs shedding light on different aspects of his multi-faceted work as an artist. [...]
November 6 to 27, 2024

Rage, Racism, Reggae, Resistance

Pioneers of Black British Cinema

In this series, curator Anupma Shanker presents groundbreaking films by British filmmakers of African-Caribbean descent. [...]
November 7, 2024

Book Presentation and Films:

Wege. Spuren und Bahnen der Bewegung im Kino

Film programs and a lecture by Karl Sierek examine what it means to be on the way in cinema and on screen. [...]
November 9, 2024

Cinema for Little Ones

Day and Night

In short films, we see the passage from day to night from different perspectives; we will also explore the movie theater itself. [...]
November 13, 2024

Monument Film

Peter Kubelka celebrated his 90th birthday this year. To mark the occasion, he will present his Monument Film and give a lecture. [...]
November 14 and 15, 2024

elephy – Things Shared

The Brussels-based artist collective elephy presents three programs that create connections and correspondences between their own works and other Belgian and Austrian artworks. [...]
Each Tuesday

What Is Film

Programm 13–20

Peter Kubelka's cycle What Is Film was created in 1996 on the occasion of the centenary of cinema. [...]